Google Business Profile Support Service

If you’re tired of dealing with Google and feeling exasperated trying to identify the issues with your business profile, we completely understand your frustration.

Fortunately, you have arrived at the perfect destination. GMBS assists Google Business Profiles when you encounter problems that are difficult to resolve or receive assistance from Google.

Daily, we work with Google representatives to address common problems such as suspension, duplication, and access issues.

Google Business Profile Support Service Overview 🔭

The initial step of the Google Business Profile Support service involves conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your Google Business Profile to ensure its adherence to Google’s guidelines. In the event that any modifications are necessary, we will engage in a discussion with you to address them and implement the changes on your behalf, thereby ensuring compliance with the profile requirements.

The Google My Business Support Service has been utilized previously to address concerns like:

  • Account or Listing Restoration
  • Replicated Listings
  • Account Termination
  • Single Instance Profile Modifications
  • Authentication Delays
  • Harmful Profile Edits

If you find yourself currently facing any of these outlined problems and are in need of swift resolution, rest assured that we are here to provide the necessary help.

Have Issues With Your Listing?

We can solve your issues, and GMBS can help! 

If only I had come across you years ago! ⏱️

For an extended period, spanning numerous years, I have made continuous efforts to obtain ownership of my Google Business Profile and terminate the existence of the outdated profile. With the invaluable support of GMBS, I managed to accomplish both tasks within a few weeks. Consequently, the old profile was successfully closed, and I gained full control over my new Google profile.

Sandra L, CEO, Sea Dreams

Explore More Services

Need a Google Business Profile, but Don’t know how to setup? We are here to help!

Here is a breakdown of the procedure involved in our Google Business Profile Support Service 🔭

1. Provide us with details about the problem you are facing.

Once you have purchased our support service, you will be assigned a dedicated GMBS account manager. This manager will reach out to you to gather information about your current issue and discuss the necessary steps to resolve it. In some cases, if you require us to make direct edits to your listing, we may need managerial access to your profile. Any access requirements will be communicated and discussed during this stage.

2. We conduct an investigation and gather data.

Once we have your perspective, our next course of action involves conducting research and gathering information regarding the matter in order to accurately generate a ticket with Google. It is crucial to address problems in the correct manner to prevent delays in resolution and misunderstandings that may occur frequently with Google Business Profile support. If your concern does not necessitate Google’s involvement, we will devise a plan of action to address it at this stage.

3. We will generate a ticket on your behalf

Utilizing all the provided information, to accurately outline the incident and explain why you should not have been impacted. Although we do not possess any exclusive connections within Google, our proficiency in creating such tickets has resulted in an exceptionally high success rate in resolving issues.

4. ur team works diligently on your behalf to achieve a favorable outcome.

While we wish we could resolve every issue with just one ticket, it’s not always that simple. Sometimes, we may need additional information to address your problem effectively. In other instances, there may be a gray area that requires careful consideration and advocacy from our team. Regardless of the situation, we handle the necessary tasks to ensure you receive accurate information and a hassle-free experience, increasing your chances of a positive resolution. If your situation doesn’t necessitate Google’s involvement, we will likely resolve your issue or provide guidance on why a positive outcome may not be feasible.

I successfully transitioned from being completely absent to achieving the top position in rankings.

The incredible impact of GMBS on my store cannot be overstated. Previously, my online presence was virtually non-existent on Google. However, with the help of this remarkable tool, I have achieved the coveted #1 ranking on Google Maps for all the prominent searches associated with my business. Consequently, my store has witnessed a significant surge in new customers, with dozens of them pouring in every month.

Dr. Ava Shamban, Ava MD, Skin Five

Additional Google Business Profile Services


Google Business Profile Management

$400 / Month

With our Google Business Profile Management Service, you can effortlessly enhance your rankings, boost visibility, and attract more customers to your Google Business Profile


Google Business Profile Setup

$500/ Profile

If you are seeking a hassle-free approach to establishing your Google Business Profile, our top-notch setup service is the ideal choice, especially if you currently lack a GBP listing.


Google Business Profile Optimization

$750/ Profile

Our Google Business Profile Optimization Service is perfect for those who have a GBP listing but are uncertain if they are maximizing their profile’s potential.

Google Business Profile Support Service FAQs 🧐

Enhance your business visibility on Google with GMBS Setup to increase calls and clicks. Save time and avoid the hassle of mastering Google Business Profile on your own.

It is possible for you to complete this task independently. Just like our other offerings, you have the option to handle them on your own. The do-it-yourself approach is effective for certain individuals. However, we understand that many prefer to allocate their resources towards different aspects of their business, rather than constantly engaging with Google Business Profile as we do.

We attribute our success to our extensive experience with Google, GMB profiles, and the common challenges that users often encounter while attempting to manage and enhance their listings. It is important to note that we do not possess any exclusive insider connections at Google or any mythical partner access.

We must clarify that we are not affiliated with Google, and therefore, we cannot provide an absolute assurance that your concern will be resolved in a positive manner. However, it is our responsibility to exert maximum effort and utilize all available resources to advocate for your cause and strive for a favorable outcome.