Utilizing Google Business Profile offers numerous advantages.

As the dominant search engine, Google receives approximately 5.8 billion searches daily and holds a staggering 95% market share. This implies that your target audience is highly likely to be on Google, actively seeking the products and services your company offers.

From a digital marketing perspective, not having a presence on Google is equivalent to being invisible. However, by claiming and managing your Google Business Profile, your business can achieve the following:

1. Demonstrate your existence to potential customers.

2. Establish credibility and legitimacy.

3. Inform potential customers about your offerings.

4. Provide location details and directions to your business.

5. Display your operating hours and days.

6. Share feedback from both current and past customers.

7. Communicate any additional information you deem necessary. 8. Drive traffic to your website.

To claim and verify your business, the initial step is to claim ownership.

You can log in using an existing Google account or create a new one. Your business location doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical address open to customers; if you operate from home or have a warehouse that isn’t accessible to the public, you can select “no location.” This ensures that your address won’t be displayed, and you won’t appear on Google Maps.

The next crucial task is to provide or confirm essential details such as location, operating hours, website, phone number, and other contact information. It’s important to be as detailed as possible since these details will be visible on your Google Maps listing.

Furthermore, it’s essential to have your business verified on Google. This process is usually quick and involves Google confirming the legitimacy of your business. Verification is typically done through a phone call, but it can also be completed via email or even a postcard. Once verified, a small blue checkmark will appear next to your listing, indicating to everyone that it’s a verified business.

Utilizing the Google Business Profile dashboard offers more than just the ability to manage your business’s information.

There are other valuable features that you should make use of.


The information section allows you to provide the essential details of your business, including the company name, address, phone number, and operating hours. It is advisable to keep this information up to date, whether there are permanent or temporary changes. Google typically sends email reminders to prompt you to update details like holiday hours.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Google has introduced a dedicated space for you to inform customers about the precautions you are taking to ensure their safety, as well as any restrictions, such as limited services like takeout or curbside pickup.


Within the dashboard, you can view images that have been uploaded by other individuals regarding your business, as well as the option to add your own. It is crucial to note that potential customers, particularly millennials, anticipate visual content related to your business, such as high-quality product images or images showcasing your services, location images (including 360-degree virtual tours), and your logo. Incorporating these visual elements can significantly attract new customers to your business.

Products and services

The dashboard includes two sections dedicated to informing potential customers about the products and services you offer, as well as highlighting what sets your products or services apart from others. It is essential to regularly update this section whenever you introduce a new product or service, or discontinue an existing one. Additionally, if your business operates by appointment scheduling, you can provide a URL for scheduling appointments within this section.

Calls and messages

Google can monitor calls and messages directed to your business through its platform. This feature provides valuable insights into potential leads, enabling you to track lead generation via Google and follow up with individuals who were unable to connect with a representative. The calls feature displays missed calls categorized by day of the week and time of day, allowing you to ensure that phone lines are adequately manned during peak hours. Messages enable prospects to directly contact your business from Google search results or Google Maps.


The dynamic analytics dashboard provided by Google Business Profile is known as Insights. Through Insights, you can gain valuable information about how people are discovering your business, allowing you to develop a deeper understanding of your target audience. It also provides insights into the percentage of individuals who found your business by searching for your company name versus those who searched for your specific product or service.


Google Posts serve as an excellent tool for informing customers about new offers and showcasing the strengths of your business. By sharing sales, promotions, seasonal events, and specials, you can attract new customers. When users come across your business on Google, they will also have visibility of your recent posts, making it essential to create attention-grabbing headlines.


The reviews section of Google Business Profile holds significant importance. Here, you can access customer reviews of your business and respond to them accordingly.

While it may seem logical to only respond to negative reviews to present your side of the story, it is advisable to address both positive and negative feedback. Expressing gratitude for positive reviews and addressing concerns raised in negative reviews can help improve your online reputation. It’s worth noting that individuals who have their issues resolved may choose to edit their negative reviews later. Managing your Google reviews effectively is crucial, and we will delve into this topic in more detail below.

Other features Google

Business Profile offers additional functionalities, including the ability to add users (such as an in-house marketing employee or a marketing firm), create a Google website for your business, obtain a custom Gmail account for your business, and advertise with Google.

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